Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Banana Fritter served with Sambal Roa

It was a public holiday!
Lazy morning... woke up late, no special plan for that day.
After got back from the market, while waiting for my husband and son returning from the car workshop, I was thinking it would be good to have something to enjoy for morning snack.

Ah.. .then I remembered somethings that make my eyes open bigger, my heart jumps faster and put a big smile in my face...

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Resep cara membuat sambal acak-acak mangga

Bulan puasa ini saya banyak belajar masak traditional, salah satunya bagaimana membuat sambal acak-acak mangga

Bahan :
1. mangga muda
2. lombok
3. garam
4. terasi
5. tomat
6. vetsin

Caranya :
tumbuk garam dan lombok, lalu masukkan sedikit terasi, cacah mangga muda lalu campurkan semua ditumbuk, lalu masukkan tomat yang di iris tipis, tambahnak vetsin sesuai selera. silahkan menikmati sensasinya di lidah Anda

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Empal Gentong & Tahu Gejrot

I'm proudly saying that I can cook delicious empal gentong and yummy tahu gejrot! yipppi!!As I wrote in my last posting, both of this food have given a beautiful memory after our trip to Cirebon. My daughter really likes the Empal Gentong, and my son likes the tahu gejrot that is served only with the sauce (without chilli and shallots). Anyway, at home he is known as the tofu lover.I tried both

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

For all Muslim around the globe,I wish you a Happy Ramadhan.Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.On the pic : Pearl Sagoo Porriage with Steam Banana & Fermented Cassava,the popular sweet delicacy in our country for breaking the fast.Click here for the recipe.